DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2019.23.2.12
How to Cite
Cruz Bernate, L. ., Sierra Sánchez, . Y. S. ., & Triana Llanos, M. C. . (2019). Description of the nest of melanerpes rubricapillus (aves : Picidae) in Cali, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 23(2), 231–242.


Lorena Cruz Bernate
Universidad del Valle
Yeison Steven Sierra Sánchez
Universidad del Valle
María Camila Triana Llanos
Universidad del Valle


The reproductive biology of the Red-crowned Woodpecker (Melanerpes rubricapillus) is poorly known. The first description of the eggs, nesting cavity, and chicks of the Red-crowned Woodpecker (M. rubricapillus) in Colombia is presented, based on five nests found between 2017 and 2019 at the Campus of Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. The egg laying was of three white spotless oval eggs with hatching of one of them. The nesting period lasted 30 days. Information of parental care in the nest during the incubation and the development of the chicks’ periods is provided, and the results were compared with related species of the same genus.

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