DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2016.20.2.15
How to Cite
Salazar E., J. A., & Villalobos Moreno, A. (2016). Descriptive morphology of the male genitalia in some neotropical species of the tribe Anaeini (LEPIDOPTERA, CHARAXIDAE). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 20(2), 199–224.


Julián A. Salazar E.
Universidad de Caldas
Alfonso Villalobos Moreno
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


This article aims to demonstrate the taxonomic importance of the study of male genital organs of Neotropical butterflies charaxins of tribe Aneini. Some of the most relevant characteristics of some species, not considered in previous and recent contributions, are described and highlighted thanks to the extension of the samples with the hope they will help to know better the taxonomic characteristics in question.

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