DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2015.19.1.4
How to Cite
Arias Ortega, P. L., Guapacha Marulanda, K. J., & Toro Restrepo, B. (2015). Influence of the regeneration of plantation forest on the diversity and density of soil macroinvertebrates (Caldas, Colombia). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 19(1), 49–64.


Paula Lorena Arias Ortega
Kelly Joahnna Guapacha Marulanda
Beatriz Toro Restrepo
Universidad de Caldas


The influence of regenerating plantations of Urapán (PU) and Eucalyptus (PE) was assessed on macroinvertebrate edaphic diversity and density in comparing to secondary forest in the Hydroelectric Caldas (CHEC) Nature Reserve. Two samplings were performed at the end of the rainy season. At each site were established three linear transects of 40 m, in which five monoliths were extracted according to protocol of "Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility". The macroinvertebrates were extracted in situ and the same time was evaluated vegetal structure and was analyzed the fertility of soil. The highest density of organisms collected was the phylum Arthropoda, in which the class Insecta was the one with the highest percentage (65.1%) and the lowest was Adenophorea the phylum Nematoda (0.3%). Dunnett's test showed that no significant differences in diversity (p = 0.5 and 0.4) and density (p = 0.8 and 0.4) between the plantations. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicated that only eucalyptus plantation showed a positive correlation between the density of macroinvertebrates and variables such as basal area and diameter at breast-height, and that in all three sites was positively correlated the diversity index of Hill with the contents of K, Ca, Mg, MO and N. We conclude that both plantations have similarly heterogeneity so resembling secondary forest, which was reflected in the diversity and density of soil macroinvertebrates.

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