How to Cite
Boom Urueta, C., Seña Ramos, L., Vargas Zapata, M., & Martínez Hernández, N. (2013). Butterflies Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) in the reserva ecológica luriza (rel), Atlantico, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 17(1), 149–167. Retrieved from


Carlos Boom Urueta
Universidad del Atlántico
Leidys Seña Ramos
Universidad del Atlántico
María Vargas Zapata
Universidad del Atlántico
Neis Martínez Hernández
Universidad del Atlántico


The various human activities in recent years have caused a threat to the tropical dry forest ecosystems (Bs-T) in the Colombian Caribbean, significantly reducing the fauna of insects such as lepidoptera. This group is widely used as bioindicators of forest condition, for their sensitivity to environmental changes and relationship with the resources offered by the forest. In this study the variation of richness and abundance of Papilionoidea butterflies and Hesperioidea in the Reserva Ecologica Luriza (REL) were evaluated. Nine samples events were made from March to July 2009; the butterflies were captured with entomologic nets and van Someren-Rydon type traps with a mixture of fermented fruit, rotting squid, human urine and beer. 614 adults were registered corresponding to 48 species and 39 genera. The Nymphalidae family had the highest richness (23) and abundance (500), represented mainly by  Mechanitis lysimnia (Fabricius, 1793) with 307 individuals. The highest values of richness and abundance occurred during the second sampling with 21 species and 106 individuals, coinciding with the period of no rain in the area. With respect to diversity, higher values of the Hill numbers were presented at the last sampling (N1 = 9.76) and N2 = 6.642 in the eighth sampling event. The Bray-Curtis analysis shows that the first three samples showed a greater than 65% similarity, which coincide with the absence of rain in the forest. With species accumulation curves the existence of more species of Lepidoptera in the forest is expected, so that it is advisable to carry out more samples in the studied area.

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