DOI: 10.17151/difil.2018.19.33.8
How to Cite
García Gibson, F. . (2018). Contractualism, autonomy and extreme poverty. On Elizabeth Ashford’s view. Discusiones Filosóficas, 19(33), 113–132.


Francisco García Gibson
Universidad de Buenos Aires,


Elizabeth Ashford argues that if Thomas Scanlon's theory is applied correctly, it should be concluded that the obligations to help those who suffer extreme poverty are maximally demanding obligations. One should be willing to devote all the time and resources to helping others, giving up pursuing one´s own life goals. In this article the author's main premise is granted (i.e., that certain welfare considerations have priority over autonomy considerations) but it is maintained that, if autonomy considerations are accepted to have at least some weight, it must be concluded that the obligations of help are less than maximally demanding.

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