How to Cite
Zuluaga Varón, D. C. (2008). Current trends in penal systems: Considerations on the criminalization of conducts related to drug use. Jurídicas, 5(1), 157–173. Retrieved from


Diana Carolina Zuluaga Varón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Currently, in many social, political and legal areas there is talk of the emergence of a new authoritarian criminal law, precisely, more authoritarian than usual, called Enemy Criminal Law. From this perspective, Criminal Law has been constituted in the primera ratio, as a result of the lack of definition and implementation of genuine social public policies, pro-citizen, and as a weapon against the resurgence of social crisis. This articles addresses, from a critical stance, the current state of criminal policy and the expansion of Criminal Law, as a tool to combat undesirable behavior, regardless of whether or not there is consensus on its definition, particularly those associated with drug use. For this purpose, it will touch upon some of the pillars of the illustrious German criminal lawyer Günther Jakobs’ theory, contrasting them with the reality of "efficiency" that has been enthroned in the Colombian criminal law. Finally, there will be a reflection on the role of the Constitutional Court in the law—governed state and its role in the defense of a legal—criminal system respectful of the constitutional declaration within the guarantism framework of the Law—Governed Welfare State.

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MEJÍA QUINTANA, Óscar. (2002). “La Constitución de 1991 como proyecto inacabado”. En: El otro Derecho-Otras miradas de la Justicia. Bogotá: ILSA.

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Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-221 de 1994. Magistrado Ponente: Dr. Carlos Gaviria Díaz.

Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-038 de 1995. Magistrado Ponente: Dr. Alejandro Martínez Caballero.

Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-939 de 2002. Magistrado Ponente: Dr. Eduardo Montealegre Lynett.


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