How to Cite
Castro Rincón, A. (2005). -. Jurídicas, 2(2), 147–162. Retrieved from


Alberto Castro Rincón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Trying to define peace pretending to evade its univocal meaning, in order to consent with neologism, would be equivalent to denying its function in the moral development of humanity, and reducing it to a prudent transaction between several disagreements or belligerences. Its implantation and defense in society is always the doing of a kind of ethical heroism and requires an inexhaustible spiritual energy and an attitude of unconditional protection. It would have to be regulated and defined in a constitutional canon as well as in our legal system, or is it a supreme and supra-positive value, that facilitates an arranged resolution of the conflicts? Or on the other hand, is this peace a consequence of the fight that nourishes its corpus with the rights of the conquering side, the kind of peace that bothers F. Bacon, peace recharged with the cruel and barbarian admonition victis".

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