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Calderón Villegas, J. J. (2004). -. Jurídicas, 1(2), 53–69. Retrieved from


Juan Jacobo Calderón Villegas
Universidad del Rosario


The development of the dogmatic definition of the fundamental right to equality is due to an important extent, to the effort of the constitutional ruling to create a correct system of its restrictions controls. Such system has found its grounds in the consideration according to which the law that establishes such right, in its structural dimension is a principle in itself. From a point of view initially being analytic and afterwards normative, this article tries to recapitulate starting from the analysis of the court judgment C-093 of 2000 and from the court judgement C-673 of 2001, both of them issued by the Constitutional Court, the two strategies thathave been designed by such Court in order to implement the equality judgment. The above mentioned recapitulation ends up in the formulation of the basis for an alternative integrated equality judgement which would evolve by means of the concretion of partial judgements of adequacy, need and strict proportionality, applicable to all cases and from which a different intensity must be derived, according the factual or ruling context demands the development of a weak, intermediate or strict equality judgement.

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Sentencias de la Corte Constitucional

C-093/2001. M.P. Alejandro Martínez Caballero.

C-673/2001. M.P. Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa


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