DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.22.3
How to Cite
García Ríos, A. S. (2020). Research processes in arts and design in doctoral programs, a comparative case study between Universidad de Caldas and Unversidade de São Paulo. Kepes, 17(22), 59–75.


Antonio Stalin García Ríos
Universidad de Pamplona
Perfil Google Scholar


This article synthesizes a study on research-creation in doctoral theses of arts and design. The main objective of the inquiry was to examine state of research based on creative practices in doctoral programs of arts and design. Its scope was to understand the participation of creative activity in six theses carried out in two specific research training contexts. The method used consisted of a comparative case study between the doctoral program in design and creation of Universidad de Caldas, Colombia and the doctoral degree in visual arts of Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. For this purpose, two theoretical propositions were elucidated on the theoretical contribution to knowledge and the methodological reliability of the doctoral theses carried out with creative practices. The main results show the trends in each case, presented as codes classified according to two categories consistent with the proposals of the study. Compared to the knowledge category, the comparison of the cases shows concordance between the codes of processes, practice and creation. The codes of the methodology category show similarities between diverse methods, creative practice, narrative, qualitative and audiovisual recording. It is concluded that research-creation can generate useful knowledge to various disciplines, so it must be exposed in a common and explicit academic language, favoring the transmission, debate, negation or affirmation of resulting theories. Theories regarding methodological diversity and the use of creation for the collection and processing of data are also confirmed. The convenience of highlighting the research plan is emphasized fully revealing the creative practices and their articulation with theoretical construction.

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