DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.19.15
How to Cite
Galvis Alzate, Y. ., & Mejía Galvis, A. . (2019). Corporality in interaction and communicative interactivity: A case study in the Mente, el mundo adentro room at Parque Explora. Kepes, 16(19), 427–463.


Yurany Galvis Alzate
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar
Alejandra Mejía Galvis
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar


The current condition of interactive museums requires that they allow knowledge of science to be transmitted through the relationship of the subject with the exhibition. An example on this subject is found in the interactive Mind, the world inside room at Parque Explora (Medellín, Colombia), a space divided into six sections that offers the visitor an experience about how the brain works. Taking this place as an object of study, the research that was carried out was aimed at identifying which concept of body is created around the interaction and communicative interactivity that the room provides the visitor with. For this purpose, the case study, ethnography (under the modalities of direct source and participant observer) methods, the documentary analysis of contents and objects of the room were used, together with the application of the experimental method and the mapping of the route of the users. This methodological wrap produced as a result that the design elements that communicate in the room do not comply with their interactive functionality and that the behavior of the visitors in the room is conditioned by the presence of the "mediator", which is not the purpose of the environment. Both findings show that the Mind, the world inside room at Parque Explora, does not comply with the dynamics proposed by interactive museums, whose purpose is to communicate science and technology through their objects.

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