DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2018.15.18.3
How to Cite
Echeverri Sánchez, L. C. ., Valencia Arias, J. ., Valencia Arias, A. ., & Benjumea Arias, M. L. . (2018). Evolution and research trends of museums interactive exhibits through ICTs. Kepes, 15(18), 45–80.


Laura Cristina Echeverri Sánchez
Institución Universitaria Escolme
Perfil Google Scholar
Jackeline Valencia Arias
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Perfil Google Scholar
Alejandro Valencia Arias
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
Perfil Google Scholar
Martha Luz Benjumea Arias
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Perfil Google Scholar


Museums have been implementing avant-garde technologies in order to create interactive environments that attract more visitors and make them more active subjects in the transfer of knowledge. Due to this, traditional museums are evolving towards educational and tourist spaces through new pedagogical strategies that allow a greater interaction between the cultural offer of these institutions and the citizens. The aim of this research is to make a diagnosis about the evolution and research trends of interactivity in museums through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The methodological design consists in the use of bibliometric indicators to identify the trends and evolution of the field of knowledge in the topic of interactivity through new technologies in the museums. For this purpose, an analysis in two stages was carried out, obtaining information (database and search equation) and obtaining bibliometric indicators (quantity, quality and structure). A total of 771 publications obtained from Scopus between 1905 and 2017 were analyzed. Among the main results, a growing trend in scientific production on the subject was found, focused mainly on research on avant-garde technologies such as holographic technology, augmented reality and human-robot interaction, which make museums more interactive spaces in the transfer of knowledge. It can also be concluded that thanks to the growing use and advancement of ICTs, it has been easier to implement these technologies in museums which has favored the construction of more real environments and the number of visitors in these cultural institutions has increased.

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