DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2016.13.14.6
How to Cite
Escandón Suárez, P. A. ., & Villegas García, M. M. . (2016). Diagnosis and proposal of good practices for the Colombian digital animation industry. Kepes, 13(14), 113–140.


Paula Andrea Escandón Suárez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar
Margarita María Villegas García
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


In Colombia, the animation industry has advanced at a slower pace with respect to countries such as the United States, Canada, and Japan among others, suggesting an obvious disadvantage the way 2D and 3D animation projects are developed, from the planning and execution of processes within the animation company work.

However, overtime, foreign alliances for the production of content have been established, allowing this sector to be an alternative to boost economic growth in the regions, adding national production for advertising, architecture, film, television and videogames. For these reasons, the Colombian animation industry has received attention from public and private entities who see the need to establish policies focused on supporting and establishing appropriate conditions for its emergence.

One initiative is to improve the productive conditions of enterprises through the “Guide to international quality good practices for the Digital Animation Industry identified and documented as a guide for the Colombian industry” proposed by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, Colciencias, the Manizales Mayor’s Office and People Contact, with the support of Universidad de Caldas in research development, from the inquiry about the existing animation companies in the country, development of instruments in the form of personal interview on the qualitative and quantitative approaches, bibliographical inquiry to support proposed workflows, process of validation with experts and socialization to animators and entrepreneurs.

The guide emerges as a reference of support for the Colombian animation industry, the monitoring and improvement of processes that allow establishing quality parameters, which means an important opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of Colombian animation in the global industry

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