DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2015.12.12.13
How to Cite
Nava La Corte, M. F., & Gómez Ordoñez, M. F. de M. . (2015). The multiscalar identity complexity and its socio-spatial implications. Kepes, 12(12), 267–283.


M.D. Fernando Nava La Corte
Centro de Investigación en Arquitectura y Diseño de la UAEMéx
Mtra. Flor de María Gómez Ordoñez
Universidad de Barcelona


The current dynamics of the company and its spaces are primarily due to technological possibilities, production and consumption. The implications of this current relationship that prevails is visible in the untidiness, cultural extinction, and new identities in the spaces. For this reason, and in this sense of entropy, this article proposes a model that articulates socio-spatial categories to understand and participate in the transformation of space. Such model is intended to contribute through participatory communication in various spaces and with benefits in the communal, cultural and identity aspects. Necessarily, by transforming these spaces it is necessary to be attentive, to know social changes and behaviors of the actors to transcend improvisation and supremacy of dominant entities.

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