How to Cite
Villa Carmona, G. (2006). NOTES ON THE ESTHETICS OF IDLENESS. Kepes, 3(2), 69–80. Retrieved from


Gustavo Villa Carmona
Universidad de Caldas



The imbricated esthetic practices make reference to the peculiar solutions with which people organize the immediate universe of their imaginaries, where diverse aspects such as politics, religion, traditions, sports, chance, labor time, and others come together. The final result in the crossing of this divergent and diverse aesthetic disposition is the configuration of plural gestures, dissonant and intolerable affective arguments, unconscious and licentious for the imposing moralistic apparatus. Said constructions establish mutable ways to understand a world where new experiences fluctuate, in our case, the time and space of the unproductive idleness generated in the physical construction, infra and supra symbolic, of the bar.

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