How to Cite
Villegas Hincapié, P. C. (2009). An approximation to the nonfiction territory. Kepes, 6(5), 157–168. Retrieved from


Paula Cecilia Villegas Hincapié



La expansión del cine documental es la que ha demandado The expansion of documentary films has demanded new analysis categories, being non-fiction film the generic name that best holds a series of works that show the hybrid character of the contemporary audiovisual production; and it is precisely the wide range of this denomination that generates new branches. According to the categorization Bill Nichols does of documentary film, new ways to subvert the pillars of classical documentaries can be perceived, constantly highlighting the questioning regarding the difference between fiction and non-fiction, and reconsidering all the roles implied as creator (author, director), spectator, distribution and exhibition. Currently, some tendencies of contemporary filmmaking can be identified and different categories can be discussed: fake, docudrama, film-essay, experimental documentary, diaries, found footage and creation from archive images. Non-fiction is still a territory defined by what it isn’t, maybe this characteristic is what makes this cartography the perfect place to see, narrate, feel and construct the stories of our historical moment.

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