How to Cite
López G., L. (2013). Contextual factors influencing image interpretation acts. Case study Interactive Installation: “Pictorial Framework Extension”. Kepes, 10(9), 39–63. Retrieved from


Laura López G.
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract: This study is integrated to the Interactive Installation creation project: “About the pictorial framework extension”, developed by the Aesthetic and Social Research in Visual Design Group from Universidad de Caldas, The study inquires, among other aspects, about the way in which from a painting whose topic integrates cultural aspects of Caldas Tradition, people identify the subject of the work and, similarly, propose for the characters represented new speeches which invigorate and allow exceeding the inherent limits to the two-dimensional support. The model selected to identify the recognition and interpretation levels of the different components of the images was Erwin Panosfky’s iconographic approach. Similarly the social-cultural conditions proper from the population of Manizales were analyzed and those, added up to the images distribution means, as Felipe Londoño points out, condition the recognition of implicit languages of each of the means as the step from the two-dimensional and tridimensional or from temporal structures (movies) to interactive structures (digital), processed from which aesthetic constructs that transform the observer’s look derive. 

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