How to Cite
Rodriguez, S. A. (2014). Instability of the Design process. Kepes, 11(10), 349–363. Retrieved from


Sofía A. Rodriguez
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract. The design process responds to a reasoning not to an inspiration, as it is justified in many occasions in the educational environment of this discipline. For this reason it is of vital importance to guide the student in the learning of an adequate design process because presently there are discrepancies on the way to learn how to carry out an adequate process in the classroom. For this purpose, measuring instruments were designed in order to know how students are more receptive to understand what it is, how it should be, and what to do in the different stages of the project processes. Based on the results obtained, they give rise to a Design process that responds to the different project and learning styles typologies students may have. This is a fluctuating process in which double stages appear alternating between conceptualization and materialization, lead to each other.

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