DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.2
How to Cite
Hernández Albarracín, J. D., Ramírez Lindarte, M. D., & López Pena, Z. . (2022). Co-creative community experience in the production of audiovisual narrations. A perspective of young victims in Norte de Santander, from action-research. Kepes, 19(25), 15–45.


Juan Diego Hernández Albarracín
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Perfil Google Scholar
María Daniela Ramírez Lindarte
Corporación pastoral social de la diócesis de Cúcuta
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Zósimo López Pena
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Perfil Google Scholar


The results of the community co-creation project, “Youth Experiences for Peace”, whose main objective was to propose pedagogical alternatives to the Chair of Peace through narratives that start from the perspective of visual literacy, with the participation of 25 young victims of the armed conflict members of the Empirical Arts Foundation located in Villa del Rosario, Norte de Santander, are presented. The methodology consisted of participatory workshops from the action-research position to mobilize critical reflections and appropriation of production and training techniques inserted in the audiovisual culture, resulting in three plot short films that showed the experiences, memories 16 and challenges of the young people to make visible stories of their neighborhood life and to allow them to express rationalities to build a culture of peace in the territory through the application of the valuable components of an audiovisual project. This allows concluding that, in the first place Peace is a systemic category that cannot be reduced to the simple totality of a communicable knowledge but to a pedagogical experience that must affect both the subjects of teaching and learning. Secondly, the audiovisual presented new possibilities to the relationship that the participants had with the world, finding in this form of expression the way to meet and narrate authentically in the understanding of ceasing to be spectators and becoming authors and, finally, the challenge of generating projects that affect the representation of young victims in the Colombian audiovisual discourse.

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