DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.6
How to Cite
Castaño Zapata, J., Tamayo Alzate, Óscar E., & Castañeda Marulanda, W. . (2022). A setting for learning through design projects in social contexts: Laboratorio Estratégico de Diseño Integral, LEDI (Strategic Laboratory of Comprehensive Design). Kepes, 19(25), 135–164.


Juliana Castaño Zapata
Universidad de Caldas
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Óscar Eugenio Tamayo Alzate
Universidad de Caldas y Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
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Walter Castañeda Marulanda
Universidad de Caldas
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Some actions, inherent to the teaching of design within the framework of an educational experience analyzed from the project practice in subjects of the undergraduate Visual Design Program at Universidad de Caldas, are documented in this article. The teaching experience resulting from implementing classroom projects is exposed, an experience that, during 10 years (2008-2018) of work, has linked communities and city projects with the undergraduate Program. The value of contact with real problems in the comprehensive training of designers is highlighted, giving the possibility of proposing and planning didactic actions that lead to the improvement of the experience of project practice in some subject areas. Here arises the need to deepen the pedagogical planning to detect the characteristics that the didactic actions must present and thus to understand how to approach them from design through an observation mediated by qualitative methodological approaches. The article reports how some professors of this undergraduate Program have designed subject content and have proposed suitable scenarios for experimentation, giving space to the development of initiatives such as LEDI Laboratorio Estratégico de Diseño Integral (Strategic Integral Design Laboratory), which complements the academic scenario and emphasizes a comprehensive vision of design.

Documentation of some processes and projects arises in this reflection on the teaching practice, from which the interest arises to propose the conscious and contextualized construction of the courses under the disciplinary perspective of education due to the need to identify how contents, both theoretical and practical, of some subjects of the Design Programs are oriented and add to the educational strategy the possibility of accessing professional spaces that can be managed by professors, and that students can access from the university and get the best out of this experience, as well as reflecting the harmony of the solutions planted from the academy with the detected needs of the context where the education process influences, in this case, the undergraduate Program in Visual Design and highlights the importance of understanding the social spaces where in-training designers act and bring them closer to them.

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