DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2023.20.27.14
How to Cite
Hernández, R. M. (2023). Intervention artistic practices for the redefinition of the territory and the configuration of the public sphere(s). Kepes, 20(27), 391–428.


Rut Martín Hernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Perfil Google Scholar


This paper presents the research of the main strategies that have been tested from contemporary artistic practices for the configuration of discourses that promote processes of collective action that the public sphere generate. The main objective is to analyze these strategies in relation to the creation of devices for the redefinition of the territory and the conformation of specific knowledge that arises in and from the practices. To achieve this goal, a hybrid methodology is implemented that proposes specific methods and tools typical of research in the arts and in qualitative methodology. The research allows establishing some categories of analysis that present a cartography of the main lines of action of the artistic practices that appear in the public space,
such as playful, relational actions, and creation of subordinate and ecosophical tales. Their discursive axes, potentialities and conflicts they make visible are also analyzed. The results show constants that define these artistic practices of intervention in the urban space around four axes: the reappropriation of space, collaborative methodologies, the emphasis on identity values, and the vindication of embodied and situated knowledge. This enables collective actions in which agreements and conflict resolution are based on the bond with the other which promotes other forms of community relationship for socially distributed knowledge.

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