DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2023.20.27.16
How to Cite
Castaño Aguirre, C. A., Bermúdez Mejía, P. A., & García Ordóñez, I. D. (2023). Perceptions, memories, and urban images of the city center of Armenia: collective cartographies and interactive devices as tools for the recognition of the territory. Kepes, 20(27), 463–493.


Carlos Alberto Castaño Aguirre
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Perfil Google Scholar
Paula Andrea Bermúdez Mejía
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Perfil Google Scholar
Iván Darío García Ordóñez
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico de la Construcción y la Industria - SENA
Perfil Google Scholar


Cartographies are constituted as a graphic representation of the inhabited space that provokes reflections on the social, cultural, and political subject. Stressed with the new narrative methods that involve interactivity, interaction, immersion, and the audiovisual, cartographies can enhance the learning-teaching processes involved in carrying them out. For this reason, this research + creation proposed the construction of an interactive device at scale: expanded cartography for the representation and dissemination of urban perceptions, memories, and images about the city center of Armenia turning it into a pedagogical tool that allows the non-specialized participant to read and create cartographic images and understand their link with social practices. As a research process, it was supported in different methods and protocols for the readings of the realities that give rise to creation. Participatory techniques were articulated: social cartography to ensure that passers-by and guests are co-authors of it, activating a shared space where experiences converged; collective sensitive knowledge was built, and links were generated between participants and with the final creation. It was found that public and open urban spaces are the ones that generate the highest number of perceptions and associated memories. Their condition of greater accessibility, diversity of activities in their interior, physical-formal structure designed for permanence, their articulation to the mobility of the city and the interest they arouse in terms of urban services, make them accumulate memories, experiences, and feelings by a larger number of people. Social cartography is presented as an emancipatory visuality where the subject, based on his urban experience, builds his own images on his spatial realities.

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