How to Cite
Gallo Cadavid, L. E., & García Marín, H. W. (2013). Educational experiences of teachers: Body stories and education in the school borderline. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 9(2), 40–57. Retrieved from


Luz Elena Gallo Cadavid
Universidad de Antioquia
Harold Wilson García Marín
Universidad del Quindío. Institución Educativa “Arturo Gómez Jaramillo”, Alcalá, Valle


This article presents the results of a research on educational experiences of teachers in which its purpose was aimed at interpreting meanings of the educational experience of Physical Education teachers in high school and higher education from experience stories on body and education in the rural and urban context. The method used to investigate the educational experience was the autobiographical narrative whose analysis was made from the categorical analysis of the structure. Among the main results, a body conception is linked to the sociocultural perspective, in anthropological key, body is attached to the own biography. In the experience stories, the perception of education is connected to the idea of training; there are variations in the experience of being a teacher, from the knowledge of the experience comes up images of teachers who maintain the idea of teacher of sense. The study shows some distinguishing shades between teachers in high school and higher education and the rural and urban context. The analysis of the information allows inferring aspects that form the educational experience as lived experience, pedagogical knowledge and learning.

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