How to Cite
Portela Guarín, H. (2012). Curriculum and education: In the labyrinths of a bespoken world. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 8(1), 54–74. Retrieved from


Henry Portela Guarín
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Education is a core idea and a principle in pedagogy, it is a humanization processthat consolidates individual and social evolution/development with its realization and potentiation as a rational, autonomous and caring being. It means to understand the immediate and natural meaning in order to go to self-configuration processes, proper of a-temporal with cultural identities beings. Niklas Luhmann´s “System Theory” is one of the excuses that inspire to venture forth into the labyrinths of the curriculum and education bespoken world in order to justify how education is a critical point in the programs to educate educators. Emergencies to invigorate the “illusion of education” are found from the different proposals, among which appear the remodeling of the life world, the autopoyesis, the language non-neutrality, the linguistic twist and the irony, among other adventures. How education requires the assumption of symbolic figures, not as arbitrary creations but as necessary reference points, is proposed, because words and concepts are also icons, images and metaphors that give meaning and value to the curricular actions. These are the reflections, from perspectives different from those of education and curriculum, that will “resist and flow” among other discourses that remain petrified in time, captured in the orthodoxy of replication and instruction.

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