How to Cite
Paula Uziel, A. . (2009). Homosexuality and family structure in contemporary Brazil. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 1, 104–115. Retrieved from


Anna Paula Uziel


Abstract: In Brazil, in order to understand the rights related to married life and parenthood, it is necessary to analyze, not only the legislative and judicial spheres, but to review the manifestations of civil society, brought about by events and demonstrations of national impact. Since 1995 the issue of the marital status and parenthood of same-sex couples has been under discussion and does not yet have legal recognition; however, the adoption of children and teenagers by two men or two women is possible. This paper recovers the discussion on the draft law on civil unions between persons of the same sex. It also discusses the concepts of family of major players from the law and medicine fields, and it analyzes the social impact of cases regarding gay fathers and lesbian mothers that were disseminated through the mass media.

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Uziel, Anna Paula, Carlos Alexandre de Oliveira Antonio, Igor T. Oliveira, Luciana Soares de Medeiros, Marcelo Tavares da Costa, Mariana Borges de Moraes, Rafael Andrade e Renata Seixas Machado.

2006. Parentalidade e conjugalidade: aparições no movimento homossexual. Horizontes Antropológicos 26: 203-227.


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