DOI: 10.17151/rlef.2022.14.1.4
How to Cite
Aponte Castro, H. L. ., Pérez Ortiz, P. D. ., & Salazar Jiménez, J. G. . (2022). Socio-family aspects and mental health in Social Work students of the Fundacion Universitaria Juan de Castellanos during the confinement by Covid-19. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 14(1), 51–72.


Herica Lisbet Aponte Castro
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
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Paula Dariana Pérez Ortiz
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
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Juan Gabriel Salazar Jiménez
Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to analyze the socio-family aspects affecting mental health in Social Work students of the Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos during the confinement caused by Covid-19. Regarding the methodology, a descriptive study was carried out with a sample of 119 students. The instruments used were a socio-family characterization questionnaire, the Suicide Risk questionnaire, the family Apgar test, and the SRQ. The results show that university students present mental health conditions due to symptoms of depression and anxiety, in addition to difficulties due
to academic activities and confinement. The role of the family is highlighted as a protective factor against the pandemic. An adequate family functioning is perceived by the students when they have coping strategies against crises. However, it is necessary to strengthen the response capacity for accompanying university students and families with higher level of vulnerability.

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