How to Cite
Pérez Cárdenas, J. E., Isaza Mejía, G., Acosta Agudelo, S. M., & Sepúlveda Arias, J. C. (2009). Preliminary test on the effects on the hematologic parameters of the aqueous and methanolic extracts of Phenax rugosus (poir.) Wedd and Tabebuia chrysantha G. Nicholson. Biosalud, 8, 17–28. Retrieved from


Jorge Enrique Pérez Cárdenas
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Gustavo Isaza Mejía
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Sandra Milena Acosta Agudelo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Juan Carlos Sepúlveda Arias
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


In order to validate previous findings in ethnopharmacological studies, the effects on the hemogram of Wistar female rats after the oral administration of aqueous and methanolic extracts from Phenax rugosus (Poir.) Wedd and Tabebuia chrysantha G. Nicholson leaves were evaluated for 10 days. Except for the eosinophils count with the aqueous extract of Phenax rugosus (Poir.) Wedd, no significant changes in the hemogram were observed after the administration of aqueous and methanolic extracts. The absolute number of eosinophils diminished to statistically significant levels (p=0.03) when comparing the group that received the aqueous extract and the control group. The administration of both extracts from Tabebuia chrysantha G. Nicholson does not induce significant changes in the hemogram.

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