DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2018.22.1.5
How to Cite
Soto Giraldo, A., & Oliveira, H. (2018). Thermal requirements of Trigonospila unicaldasi (DIPTERA: TACHINIDAE), parasitoid of Compsus sp. (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 22(1), 69–75.


Alberto Soto Giraldo
Universidad de Caldas
Hamilton Oliveira
Instituto de Ecología AC


Objectives: To determine the period of duration of the developmental stages of Trigonospila unicaldasi, under five different thermal regimes (18, 20, 22, 25 and 28 °C), using Compsus sp. as a substrate, and to calculate the base temperature of development and the accumulated days-degrees (or thermal constant) to complete the developmental stages of the parasitoid. Scope: Thermal requirements of T. unicaldasi. Methodology: Th e duration of the diff erent stages of development of T. unicaldasi was determined until reaching adulthood with the help of a stereomicroscope. Th e days-degrees were calculated using the average temperature method. Main results: Th e stages of the egg, larva 1, larva 2, larva 3, pupa and adult egg of T. unicaldasi, showed base temperatures of 18.6; 19.2; 17.7; 19.1; 18.6 and 18.8 °C respectively, and thermal constants of 29.9; 14.5; 21.4; 16.3; 17.5 and 97.4 °D, respectively. Conclusions: The thermal requirements of T. unicaldasi, a new parasitoid species of Compsus sp., were determined .

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