DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2020.24.2.2
How to Cite
Barreto G, D. ., & Esquivel, H. E. . (2020). Lichen diversity, distribution and richness in green areas of Ibagué city. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 24(2), 25–39.


Héctor Eduardo Esquivel
Universidad del Tolima


Colombia has approximately 1700 species of lichens of which 1396 are in the Andean region, indicating that it is an area with a large concentration of lichen richness, even so in that region there are not many studies carried out under 2000 masl and taking into account that the urban growth has consequences on the diversity of these so it is important to generate information. In this work the diversity of lichens was characterized in green areas of Ibague city. A 10 x10 cm template was used following Iwatuski method (1960) to measure the coverage area in four type of substrate (bark, rock, cement and trunks) and get the abundance, there were collected 731 individuals for 35 species of which 16 are new registers for Ibague city and 5 new reports for Tolima. The abundance was evaluated in different substrates; the bark presents the greatest amount of coverage with 91.2% followed by rock (6.6%), wood (1.7%), cement (0.5%). There were evaluated the diversity index of Shannon, richness index of Margalef and dominance index of Simpson; the greatest diversity is found in bark. The greatest richness in rock and the greatest dominance in cement. This work contributes to the knowledge of lichens in Colombia and it generates the first dichotomous key of lichens in green areas of Ibagu

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