How to Cite
Genoy J., Y. M., Castillo F., J. A., & Bacca, T. (2013). Oribatid mites present in six land use systems in Obonuco, Pasto (Nariño). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 17(2), 60–68. Retrieved from


Yina Mabel Genoy J.
Universidad de Nariño. Pasto
Jesús Antonio Castillo F.
Universidad de Nariño, Torobajo. Pasto
Tito Bacca
Universidad de Nariño, Torobajo. Pasto


The aim of this work was to make an inventory of oribatid mite families associated to six land uses: a silvopasture arrangement, a potato crop in rotation with pastures, a potato crop, a bank forage protein, a plot of three grasses and clover mixed and a secondary forest. The variables abundance, richness and diversity index were measured; data was subject to variance analysis using Fishers least significant difference test (LSD). Nine families of the Oribatida order: Ceratozetidae, Mochlozetidae, Oppidae, Haplozetidae, Galumnidae, Plasmobotidae, Pheroliodidae, Tectocepheidae and Euzetidae were identified; the first three families were the most abundant, representing more than 70% in all land use systems. The ecosystem that showed the highest abundance and biodiversity of oribatid mites was the secondary forest ecosystem in relation to the different systems. The potato system presented fewer species. Also the silvopasture system, the protein bank and the forest had higher values in relation to species diversity compared to potato system, in which a negative effect of soil mite fauna possibly due to high use of agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides.

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