DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2023.27.2.9
How to Cite
Acuña-Vargas, J. C., Camargo-Gonzáles, L. T., & Bastidas-Molina, B. (2023). Identification and distribution of habitats used by amphibians in five tropical dry forest cover areas, Dibulla, La Guajira. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 27(2), 139–161.


Julio César Acuña-Vargas
Universidad de La Guajira
Perfil Google Scholar
Laidis Tatiana Camargo-Gonzáles
Universidad de La Guajira
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Bienvenido Bastidas-Molina
Universidad de La Guajira
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The present study was developed to determine the composition and distribution of encounter habitats for 20 species of amphibians in five land covers with different degrees of disturbance, in a rural area of the municipality of Dibulla, La Guajira. During eight months, 40 samplings were carried out, using the standardized technique for the study of amphibians by visual encounter survey (REV) in the study covers, over an area of approximately 20 km2. Thirty-eight habitats were recorded, distributed in the five coverages, being the mosaic cover of flooded grassland and transient crops, non-forested with hedges of trees and shrubs (MPC) the cover with the greatest supply of habitat (29), while the cover with the highest species richness (19 sp.) was discontinuous urban fabric (ZU) and the highest abundance (3068 individuals) was the cover of oil palm (CP). Differences were observed between land covers, encounter habitat and amphibian richness (H: 48.77; p-value < 0.05), and amphibian abundance (H: 49.74; p-value < 0.05). High spatial overlap (>0.75) was observed between pairs of species related to their habits and between species of the same family. Even though the coverages share a high proportion of encounter habitats, they present amphibian communities with different characteristics in their structure and composition. Likewise, even when the communities are composed of species considered to be generalists, widely distributed and tolerant to disturbance, the species use the habitats due to conditions that are more complex than their supply. It is noteworthy that some species show a preference for some characteristics offered by some types of habitats, regardless of land cover or land use.

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