DOI: 10.17151/difil.2019.20.34.4
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Chambers, P. A. (2019). Epistemology and politics : a critique of the “coloniality of knowledge” thesis. Discusiones Filosóficas, 20(34), 65–90.


Paul Anthony Chambers

PhD en Filosofía, Universidad de Bradford, Inglaterra.

Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana


The thesis of the “coloniality of knowledge” is philosophically weak and historically questionable. Through an analysis of a range of texts of authors of the “decolonial turn” I show that they make unfounded assertions about the connection between Cartesian epistemology and the socio-political conditions and relations of domination in Latin America (colonial domination, capitalist exploitation, racism, sexism). I argue that their conceptualization of the natural and social sciences and their characterization of Cartesian epistemology are superficial and historically dubitable. I conclude that the relation between epistemology and politics that the coloniality of knowledge presupposes is implausible and should be reformulated.

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