DOI: 10.17151/difil.2021.22.39.4
How to Cite
Cabrera C., M. . (2021). The problematic conjunction duty and happiness from kant and hegel: a comparative analysis with the ‘aporia of application’. Discusiones Filosóficas, 22(39), 55–74.


Margarita Cabrera C.
Universidad de Chile
Perfil Google Scholar


The main objective of this article is to argue in favor of an aporia in the conjunction duty and happiness due to the underlying structure in each of these
elements. To carry out this objective, it will first be exposed that it is not possible to separate happiness from human action since, as well as the performance of duty, it is essential for moral agency. After showing that the separation of both planes is not possible; the difficulties that exist between happiness and duty will be developed in a second moment, given the categorical structure that each of them possesses. Being this the case, it will be shown that the aforementioned conjunction faces difficulties similar to those proposed by Wieland in the aporia of application in the article “Aporia of
practical reason.” Therefore, the proposed reading ultimately shows the difficulties of the convergence between the universal and the contingent.

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