DOI: 10.17151/difil.2022.23.41.5
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García Duque, C. E. (2022). The notion of “diversity” and the epistemological status of the different types of knowledge. Discusiones Filosóficas, 23(41), 81–99.


Carlos Emilio García Duque
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


In this paper, I put forth several claims regarding the concept of “diversity” that help us to situate it within the broader context of epistemology as well as in its specific place in contemporary social sciences. Additionally, I suggest various strategies to enhance our understanding of ongoing discussions related to the nature of the multiple types of knowledge, their epistemological status and their relationships and differences from the classical definition of “knowledge”. I examine the problem of whether there are one or several epistemologies and what are the implications of each alternative, while offering a characterization of empirical science (applicable in the field of social research) and elucidating its connections with the thesis of the existence of multiple types of knowledge. Finally, I will offer some arguments to illustrate the reasons why it is preferable to employ a monistic methodological approach to investigate from diversity.

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