DOI: 10.17151/difil.2023.24.42.6
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Cuéllar Jiménez, R. (2023). Kuhn, Incommensurability and Kantian a priori, a Challenge for the Referential Approach to Scientific Realism. Discusiones Filosóficas, 24(42), 97–120.


Rodrigo Cuéllar Jiménez
Universidad de Nariño


Ontological change after a scientific revolution, the disturbing consequence of Kuhn’s incommensurability theory continues to gain interest, since the last decade of the previous century the nonrealist interpretation of HoyningenHuene and Oberheim has represented a challenge to the scientific realism of Sankey, who postulates co-reference as a possibility for overlapping
terms untranslatable by semantic incommensurability. Arguments in discussion about comparability, world and referential overlap seem incompatible between the two approaches (points 1, 2); Hoyningen-Huene’s Kantian interpretation of phenomenal world and world-in-itself, about the world that changes and the world that does not change by scientific revolutions, is unacceptable to Sankey (point 2.1); I postulate an analogy between Kant’s categories and external space with Kuhn’s lexicon and world-in-itself, respectively (point 3)

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