DOI: 10.17151/difil.2023.24.42.7
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Gallardo Macip, C. (2023). Individualism in contemporary societies: a common diagnosis by Patrick Deneen and Axel Honneth. Discusiones Filosóficas, 24(42), 121–140.


Cecilia Gallardo Macip
Universidad de los Andes, Chile


The prevailing individualism in contemporary liberal societies has become so evident, that it is impossible not to question about its causes. What the liberal project seemed to offer now shows inconceivable consequences. In that way, the diagnose made by the American philosopher, Patrick Deneen and the current epigone of the Frankfurt School, Axel Honneth converges on one point: both point out that, from its origin in modernity, liberalism presents internal contradictions. At the same time, these authors propose an integral reconsideration of liberal democracies in the global context, emphasizing what they observe in daily life: the breakdown of human ties, the lack of recognition of human dignity and the loss of communities. Although they belong to quite different political traditions, both manage to contribute a reading of individualism that helps to deeply understand actual social phenomena.

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