DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2020.22.2.7
How to Cite
Torres-Obleas, J. E., & Medina-Coronado, D. (2020). Efficacy of learning virtual objects in the use of reading strategies of students in districts of peru with restrictions on connectivity and computer equipment – the Villa Rica case. Eleuthera, 22(2), 104–116.


Jorge Ernesto Torres-Obleas
Universidad César Vallejo
Perfil Google Scholar
Daniela Medina-Coronado
Universidad César Vallejo
Perfil Google Scholar


The use of information and communication technologies in Peru has contributed to greater access to education and human development. However, there are populations that, lacking connectivity, do not fully enjoy these opportunities. Through a quasi-experimental proposal, the objective of this research is to determine the effect of the level of interactivity of learning virtual objects, LVOs, in the acquisition of reading strategies which is relevant for the design of the LVOs since interactivity is conditioned by connectivity. An experimental group was intervened with LVOs of passive interactivity and another, with LVOs of limited interactivity, as well as a control group conformed by students of the district of Villa Rica who accessed the virtual platform Clementina. Both LVOs enabled significant improvements in the use of reading strategies. Although higher scores were evident in the limited interactivity LVO group, there were no significant differences in the efficacy of LVOs.

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