DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2023.25.2.5
How to Cite
Fallas-Jiménez, Y. (2023). Elements for a critical reflection on the State in times of structural crisis of capital. Eleuthera, 25(2), 83–96.


Yessenia Fallas-Jiménez
Universidad de Costa Rica
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Objective. To synthesize the fundamental historical elements to understand the modern state and the possibility of conquering, through social organization, a state structure similar to that observed during the 1940s and 1960s in the central and peripheral countries of the West. Methodology. The main resource was the systematization and analysis of secondary sources of political economy, history and Marxist social theory related to the subject. Results. The need to understand the historical processes related to capital accumulation and their impact on the modern state was identified. Conclusions Knowledge of the mediations that shape the reproduction of capital is crucial to understand the complexity of the modern State and the possibilities that this political structure contains in terms of overcoming the structural crisis.

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