DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2023.25.2.6
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Retana, C. (2023). Gestating bodies: biopolitical aspects of pregnancy in three Costa Rican films. Eleuthera, 25(2), 101–118.


Camilo Retana
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Perfil Google Scholar


The aim of this article is to make a biopolitical reading of three Costa Rican films centered on the theme of pregnancy: Gestation by Esteban Ramírez (2009), Aurora by Paz Fábrega (2021) and Medea by Alexandra Latishev (2017). At the methodological level, the text does not exhaust itself in a relationship between biopolitical literature and language with these three audiovisual fictions, but seeks to see in them a background against which to interpret the biopolitical operations that culture operates on gestating bodies. As a result of this interpretative effort, the article shows the way in which in the three films pregnancy appears inscribed within biopolitical scenarios, but also the way in which the three fictions position themselves narratively in relation to these scenarios, either by agreeing with the norms that biopower sets in motion to regulate women's sexuality or by defying these norms.

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