DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2021.26.1.4
How to Cite
Yasnó Varila LF, Correa Echeverry DF, Morales Correa ID, Veloza Morales MC. Perception of quality of life in workers who are victims of a work accident that ended in amputation. Hacia Promoc. Salud [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 May 16];26(1):23-36. Available from:


Diego Fernando Correa Echeverry
Martha Cecilia Veloza Morales
Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: to describe the perception of quality of life of people who have suffered amputation due to a work accident. Methodology: qualitative research with the application of a 10 open questions semi-structured interview to six workers who had suffered an occupational accident that ended in  amputation. The information was collected, analyzed and classified manually in emerging categories. Results: the participants are 34 and 52 years old males from the municipalities of the coffee triangle area and north of the Department of Valle del Cauca. Their marital status is 5 married and 1 separated, their educational level is 2 primary school, 3 secondary school and 1 professional technician. All of them are affiliated to the health system. The body segments amputated are: 3 upper limb amputees and 3 lower limb amputees. Conclusions: their quality of life, according to the central human functional capacities defined by Nussbaum, reflects that after the accident they were affected by the loss of security and self-confidence, preventing social activities. Their current condition limits them from improving their income due to their disabling condition. Chronic pain and prosthetic maladjustment are common, as well as the use of accessories and the difficulties to move. The strengthening of the primary family support network is evident but, at the end of their rehabilitation, there is a lack of interest in social activities. Participants have concrete future projects that involve their family. Finally, their rehabilitation process was limited to the basics and they did not have any other type of support. 

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