DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2020.17.2.17
How to Cite
Vidal Sierra, C. A. ., Serna Mendoza, C. A. ., Pacheco Figueroa, C. J. ., Flórez Yepes, G. Y. ., & Valdez Leal, J. de D. . (2020). State of the art of the legal framework for the protection of wetlands against climate change. Jurídicas, 17(2), 321–336.


Christian Alejandra Vidal Sierra
Universidad de Manizales
Perfil Google Scholar
Ciro Alfonso Serna Mendoza
Universidad de Manizales
Perfil Google Scholar
Coral Jazvel Pacheco Figueroa
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Perfil Google Scholar
Gloria Yaneth Flórez Yepes
Universidad Católica de Manizales
Perfil Google Scholar
Juan de Dios Valdez Leal
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Perfil Google Scholar


The state of the art of the legal framework for the protection of wetlands against climate change was constructed based on a bibliometric and network analysis using the Scopus® database as an instrument for the search of scientific documents. The most important subject areas come from environmental science. The most relevant research trends in this review regarding climate change were: a) the importance of wetlands and their impact; b) the environmental protection and conservation of wetlands and their effects on biodiversity; c) environmental management policies (restoration, conservation, protection of wetlands) and sustainable development. Other important aspects were identified, such as regional trends and territorial planning, carbon management, methane production, landscape indicators and effective participation as elements for environmental policies for the management, restoration, protection and conservation of these ecosystems.

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