DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2017.14.2.5
How to Cite
Romero-Cárdenas, R. . (2017). Social public policies at the local level: tipology and challenges in the municipality of Neira, Colombia. Jurídicas, 14(2), 63–78.


Roberto Romero-Cárdenas
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó –
Perfil Google Scholar


This reflection paper aims to explore the process of formulation and execution of public policies at the local level, applying a theoretical-analytical methodology of public policies and of the classic sociological typologies of the local power, emphasizing on the challenges that arise at this level in the specific case of the municipality of Neira, Colombia. To do this, the author presents and describes the concept of public policies as a variable and as a context and then addresses the sociological analysis of local power and the bureaucratic power as a central factor in the formulation of public policies, Finally, the major challenges in the construction of public policies of the social nature in the municipality of Neira are identified. As a result, it was found that the combination of several factors presented in this article for the formulation of public policies of social order in Neira greatly hinders this task and challenges the capacity of local authorities to find a way to solve important social problems. In conclusion, the formulation of public social policies at the local level must take into account the theoretical problematization presented in order to rationalize it, overcome these limitations and contribute in the resolution of many complex local social debts.

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