DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2015.12.2.5
How to Cite
Vallejos-Romero, A. ., Cárdenas-Gómez, C. ., & Sáez-Ardura, F. . (2015). Towards a differential setting of the risks and threats in latin america: general guidelines for their observation in local contexts. Jurídicas, 12(2), 58–71.


Arturo Vallejos-Romero
Universidad de La Frontera
Carolina Cárdenas-Gómez
Universidad de Caldas
Felipe Sáez-Ardura
Universidad de La Frontera


The article pretends to tension and theoretically delineate the risks and threats that modern society produces and reproduces from a constructivist observation which advocates for a differentiated form of theme selection, problematization and intervention. The aspiration is to propose a relevant theme in the research agenda for Latin America, regarding the construction and value given to risks in a society characterized by its high complexity, uncertainty, and contingency and that has seen its scientific production marked by positivist and homogenizing views. Therefore, this work pretends, to theoretically contribute to a lack of work in this area in Latin America and, on the other hand, on a more practical level, to make visible its relevance at the moment of elaborating public policy that tends to orient in a contextualized and pertinent way, in order to minimize risk and threats.

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