DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2017.14.1.10
How to Cite
Baquedano-Jer, S. . (2017). Sandra Baquedano-Jer. Jurídicas, 14(1), 131–144.


Sandra Baquedano-Jer
Universidad de Chile


The principal objective of the following research is proving that not only biological, cultural or religious factors, but also a strongly conception of nature, have influence on the ethical-philosophic stance towards suicide. Determining even many times the relative approval or rejection to the act of killing itself. Methodologically, that attempt will involve the development of a hermeneutic approach which will be used for diagnosis and will provide clarification for the evolution of certain perceptions that helped as models in the reflection concerning to suicide, that can be deduced from something the experts have conceived as nature. Finally, and as a manner of concluding synthesis, an analogy that the destruction of nature can be considered a form of self-destruction which involves both the individual and the species, resulting in a form of active destruction of natural environment needed for the life of human beings, will be introduced.

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