DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2021.18.1.10
How to Cite
Navajas Jaraba, G. ., Escamilla Vargas, L. J. ., & Pérez Bermúdez, H. C. . (2021). Territorial dialogue about environmental responsibility between institutions and communities. New readings on the Bogotá River and the Sumak Kawsay. Jurídicas, 18(1), 162–179.


Luz Jenny Escamilla Vargas
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Hingrid Camila Pérez Bermúdez
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The research carried out revolves around the emblematic case of the río Bogotá, which closes legally in 2014 with the judgment issued by the Council of State, identify a series of specific orders to each of the basins (high, medium, low) of the Bogotá River. The objective of the investigation was to analyze the actions that ls municipalities are executing, in order to comply with the judgment of the State Council, with respect to the cuenca alta del río Bogotá, for this purpose an investigative methodological with mixed approach and explanatory design was implemented, performing field work in each of the municipalities that are part of the upper basin. The research allowed to analyze the actions that
are being carried out for the protection, recovery and conservation of the Bogota River, from the municipalities, taking into account their differences, strengths and difficulties, in relation to the environmental responsibility they hold in decisionmaking, control and surveillance. Finitially develop a conceptual theoretical structure, on the impact of
communities to transform the imaginary of these, into application of territorial concepts of Good Living, in the constitution of Sumak Kawsay territories.

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