How to Cite
Bello, L., & De Carvalho Feitosa, H. (2014). The (re)active Brazilian citizenship: social movement or gathered individualities? a critical analysis of the june, 2013 journeys. Jurídicas, 11(1), 57–74. Retrieved from


Lenzo Bello
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)
Heloísa De Carvalho Feitosa
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)


This work aims to discuss the use of theories of social movements currently and the use of its resources in the analysis of the June, 2013 journeys. A reflection about the characterization of the riots that have integrated the mobilization in discussion as a social movement is proposed. For this purpose, a general overview of the construction of theoretical approaches about social movements is sought. The intention is to discover whether the recent manifestations reflect a facet of active citizenship, revealing itself as a form of doing politics. The research method used was qualitative research, in an openly critical, dialectical aspect, implemented through technical research and literature review. Theoretical perspectives of Maria da Gloria and Antonio Carlos Gohn Wolkmer to settle core elements of the concept of social movements, in order to determine whether the demonstrations of 2013 in fact can be classified in this category.

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