How to Cite
Gallego Marín, C. A. (2012). The concept of legal certainty in the Social State. Jurídicas, 9(2), 70–90. Retrieved from


Carlos Arturo Gallego Marín
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This research attempts to revise the concept of legal certainty in three moments: First, from some of its historical stages since it is necessary to consider the relationship lawhistory. A theoretical-historical reference of the background that nominated and built it from the liberal state of law with some references to feudalism and absolute result will be done. Legal certainty will be seen walking about historically above evidence, sometimes behind “legality” and some other times away from it. The analysis of a concept like this supposes a critical context and so it will be done. Secondly, what has been taken for legal certainty in liberalism, that is to say, in the nineteenth-century rationalist legalism and what will be in effect the State Constitution will be treated descriptively. Finally, the relationship legal certainty, transitional justice is suggested, given the dynamics of new and old conflicts (that claim Memory / truth, reparation / symbols and transitional justice rights), baclogged by huge inequalities in addition to the disastrous influences the market on human rights, which makes it necessary to pose some discussion about it in terms of law and politics, this is to say: Transitional Justice. To finish, partial critical conclusions that attempt to convene a review of legal certainty to understand its role in the constitutional State understood as the dimension of the rights and their supremacy character on the legal system, are considered.

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