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Calderón Ibañez, A., & Quijano Peñuela, J. (2010). Reading comprehension characteristics in university students . Jurídicas, 7(2), 123–151. Retrieved from


Arlenys Calderón Ibañez
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Barrrancabermeja
Jorge Quijano Peñuela
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Barrrancabermeja


Reading is putting to work the intelligence operations: to recognize, to analyze, to synthesize, to compare, to infer… On the other hand, writing/reading originate a double movement: the one carried out by the writer and the one that the reader performs. The writer turns his/her ideas into written words; the reader turns the written words into ideas. The problem of reading compromises everyone equally while “reading is the privileged tool of the intelligence far above dialog and formal education itself “.With this article a reflection about the low level of reading comprehension in university students , in their first semesters special ly in the Law and Psychology Programs at Universida Cooperativa de Colombia, Barrancabermeja Campus is proposed. Its content is the result of a research carried out during 2007 and 2008 with students of both Programs. Objetive: to identify the reading comprehension characteristics and skills in students belonging to the Psychology (3º semester) and Law (4º and 5º semester) Programs At Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Barrancabermeja Campus during 2008. Method: The quantitative positivist paradigm was predominant in this research since the “CLOZE” test was applied as fundamental source of information. This test was has been built from theory ans was applied to analyzeparticular reading comprehension cases. From the qualitative point of view interviews to professors were carried out. Social-cultural and social-demographic variables were considered as intervening variables. A descriptive-contextual design (variable in study corresponding to the reading comprehension studied in two contexts: of Psychology and Law Programs) was considered. Results: the Psychology and Law, Programs students suffer some level of frustration, they do not demonstrate the grammatical management of the language understood as the linguistic competence for the right application of language syntax, phonetics and semantics in the micro and macrostructures. To understand a matter and not to understand others is to construct a way that only leads to confusion and prevents the reader from clarifying the message of the text itself. The CLOZE test results do not show evidence of the students’ going through the different levels of acquisition, retention, integration, recuperation and information transference. Comparing the finding in the CLOZE test and the test used by the Colombian Governement, the interviewed students range in a LITERAL Comprehension level. This indicates that they do not go beyond the text, the do not have the capacity to read between the lines, the readers’ vocabulary is very limited. Conclusions: by means of the design and application of the “CLOZE” test the reading comprehension characteristics of Psychology and Law students were identified and analyzed, By means of the design and the application of a special instrument, the social-demographic and social-cultural variables which could be affecting the reading comprehension process of Psychology and Law students were identified.

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