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Agudelo A., C. A. (2005). -. Jurídicas, 2(1), 51–65. Retrieved from


Carlos Alberto Agudelo A.
Universidad de Caldas. Universidad de Manizales


The following paper has several parts. The first show the importance about two juridical affairs: the juridical positivism and the natural law, these affairs of juridical philosophic thinking have given origin throw the history to the question what is law? I do emphasis in this question because, it in the same time gave origin to juridical realism and understand it, means to go the discussion between positivism and natural law. The second exposes the general idea of step the moderate juridical positivism of Hart to juridical realism in two of its forms: north American and Scandinavian. The third part scans the juridical language problems saw since realism of Olivecrona and in the same time, this is supported in the thesis of Austin and Searle linguists who see language in a general form since some rules. He present a different proposition front positivismnatural law. The idea of this work is to do who study the law note that exist other alternatives to think juridical science and this possibility permits juices to be more protagonists in the time when they have to take their juridical decisions, inasmuch this is the reflect of their juridical experience. Begin with the first.

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