DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2021.18.2.2
How to Cite
Piffer, C. ., & Márcio Cruz, P. . (2021). Transnational law and the consolidation of a transnational legal pluralism. Jurídicas, 18(2), 13–25.


Carla Piffer
Universidad do Vale do Itajaí
Perfil Google Scholar
Paulo Márcio Cruz
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
Perfil Google Scholar


This article, whose objective is to deal with the issue of transnational law and the possibility of consolidating transnational legal pluralism, begins with some considerations about transnationality as a phenomenon that characterizes the society of the world today. Next, the possibility of constructing a
transnational legal pluralism based on transnational law, totally different from classical legal pluralism, is envisaged. Finally, it is concluded that it is essential to remove any attempt to maintain a pluralism subject to legal acts of comparison and convergence, given the need to also use coordination and integration between legal and non-legal systems, raising the challenge of phenomena that transcend borders and surpassing models categorized at the local, international, supranational or global level. The methodology to be used includes the inductive method, using the techniques of the referent, the category, the operational concepts and the bibliographic research. 

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