DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2021.18.2.3
How to Cite
Alcántara Francia, O. A. . (2021). “Punitive damages” and their incorporation into Peruvian law: reflection on their usefulness in mass damages proceedings. Jurídicas, 18(2), 27–41.


Olga Alejandra Alcántara Francia
Universidad de Lima
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: This article raises a reflection on the incorporation of the Anglo-Saxon figure of “punitive damages into the Peruvian consumer law “ in order  to eliminate cases in which the behavior of the offender expressed in indifference, disinterest, etc., towards the victim is not punished and may even  constitute a profitable activity. Methodology: Hermeneuticsynthetic methodology for the characterization of the cases of private punishment, administrative sanctions and mandates. Application of the compared method in the evaluation of its implementation in the jurisdiction and/or in sanctioning administrative headquarters. Results: Its adoption, through consumer arbitration for the cases of protection of interests and in judicial proceedings for the protection of diffuse interests, can generate positive effects in the market. Conclusions: Disincentive of reprehensible behavior derived from massive damage.

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